Ofertas Black Friday - 70 juegos y app para iPhone, iPad

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La tradición del Black Friday vino de los EE.UU. En este día se inicia normalmente las ventas de Navidad. El nombre de «Viernes Negro» apareció en 1966. En honor a este evento, los desarrolladores de juegos y aplicaciones móviles lanzaron acción – regalando gratis el software para el iPhone y el iPad.

Black Friday juegos, aplicaciones para iPhone, iPad

Las aplicaciones y juegos de la lista mas abajo tienen rebajas durante un tiempo limitado, cuando se puede descargarlas con un descuento. El precio normal de apps de la lista es de 0,89 € y hasta 8,99 €. Además Assassin’s Creed Pirates, Things y algunas otras novedades están disponibles de forma gratuita.

Nota: para descargar algunas aplicaciones gratis de la lista, puede ser necesitar una cuenta americana.

Om Audio presentado primero del mundo levitado Bluetooth altavoz

Rebajas para descargar apps de Black Friday


[appbox appstore 424674035-ipad screenshots]

A Brief History of the World

[appbox appstore 490152130-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 848515450-ipad screenshots]

Animoog for iPhone

[appbox appstore 490169960-iphone screenshots]

"One more thing" - una cosa mas

Animoog for iPad

[appbox appstore 471638724-ipad screenshots]

Assassin’s Creed Pirates

[appbox appstore 692717444-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 535176909-ipad screenshots]

Banner Saga

[appbox appstore 911006986-ipad screenshots]

OS X 10.9 Lynx - renobado y mejorado

Battle Supremacy

[appbox appstore 725222149-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 742625884-ipad screenshots]

Calendars 5

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Camera Plus

[appbox appstore 330803072-ipad screenshots]

Descargar Prince of Persia para iPhone, iPad, iPod touch


[appbox appstore 700637744-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 642022747-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 393858566-ipad screenshots]

Dragon Quest IV

[appbox appstore 847381935-ipad screenshots]

Duet Game

[appbox appstore 634235735-ipad screenshots]

Fantastical 2 for iPhone

[appbox appstore 718043190-iphone screenshots]

Fantastical 2 for iPad

[appbox appstore 830708155-ipad screenshots]

Gangstar Vegas

[appbox appstore 571393580-ipad screenshots]

Geekbench 3

[appbox appstore 683676887-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 727854483-ipad screenshots]

Godfire: Rise of Prometheus

[appbox appstore 669376184-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 777310222-ipad screenshots]

Guardians of the Galaxy

[appbox appstore 834485417-ipad screenshots]

Heads up!

[appbox appstore 623592465-ipad screenshots]

iA Writer

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iA Writer Pro

[appbox appstore 775737172-ipad screenshots]

iTranslate Voice

[appbox appstore 522626820-ipad screenshots]

Megaman X

[appbox appstore 469343097-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 382991304-iphone screenshots]

Osmos for iPad

[appbox appstore 379323382-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 535811906-ipad screenshots]

PDF Converter

[appbox appstore 393313223-ipad screenshots]

PDF Expert

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[appbox appstore 924695435-ipad screenshots]

Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame

[appbox appstore 635911275-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 383457673-ipad screenshots]

Printer Pro

[appbox appstore 393313223-ipad screenshots]

ProCamera 8

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[appbox appstore 600112527-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 354890919-ipad screenshots]

Rayman Jungle Run

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Real Racing 2 HD

[appbox appstore 414566922-ipad screenshots]

Reckless Racing 3

[appbox appstore 882453590-ipad screenshots]

Reiner Knisia’s Tigris & Euphrates

[appbox appstore 471458190-ipad screenshots]


[appbox appstore 687888390-ipad screenshots]

Scanner Pro

[appbox appstore 333710667-ipad screenshots]

Screens VNC

[appbox appstore 655890150-ipad screenshots]

Sentinel 4 Dark Star

[appbox appstore 845072358-ipad screenshots]

Shadow Blade

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Shadowrun Returns

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Sky Gamblers: Cold War

[appbox appstore 652041723-ipad screenshots]

Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders

[appbox appstore 574375380-ipad screenshots]

Space Hulk

[appbox appstore 742022720-ipad screenshots]

Spirits of Springs

[appbox appstore 854601878-ipad screenshots]

Surgeon Simulator

[appbox appstore 814977594-ipad screenshots]

TeeVee 3

[appbox appstore 663975743-ipad screenshots]

TextExpander 3 + Custom Keyboard

[appbox appstore 917416298-ipad screenshots]

The Dark Knight Rises

[appbox appstore 522704697-ipad screenshots]

The Wolf Among Us

[appbox appstore 716238885-ipad screenshots]

Things for iPhone

[appbox appstore 284971781-iphone screenshots]

Things for iPad

[appbox appstore 364365411-ipad screenshots]

Thomas Was Alone

[appbox appstore 849095637-ipad screenshots]

Tomb Raider I

[appbox appstore 663820495-ipad screenshots]

Uncanny X-Men Days of Future Past

[appbox appstore 842627890-ipad screenshots]

Walking Dead – The Game Season 2

[appbox appstore 741183306-ipad screenshots]

Wild Blood

[appbox appstore 451403547-ipad screenshots]

Worms 3

[appbox appstore 596677177-ipad screenshots]

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Black Friday – 70 juegos y aplicaciones para iPhone y iPad

